Tuesday, June 29, 2010

29. Juni 2010

Fast Juli O_O.


German standards of beauty are very much blonde.
Schokolade Keks - butter biscuits covered in chocolate - are highly addictive.
It's commonplace for German houses to be twice as old as the entire United States of America.
Germans, despite whatever negative things they say about America, love blue jeans, McDonalds, American music, TV, films, and pop culture. 95% of the movies on sale in any store are American, and all, regardless of their country of origin, have American soundtracks.
Fußball takes priority over efficiency when the Deutsche Elf are playing
Germans love cats.
European cheese trumps ALL American cheese.
The stereotype about Germans, socks, and sandals is entirely true.
HARIBO/KINDER/MILKA/RITTER! (Though I can't find my favorite Ritter Square anywhere...)
Hall Münden is a perfect place - my host family and I took a trip by car there on Sunday. Like Marburg but quainter, and on two different rivers.
German News > American News
Til Schweiger!
A girl who lives near me rides a unicycle to the Straßebahn every day. Uphill.
Germans have conservative flush toilets but only drink bottled water.